Ministry of Urban Development (MUD) has launched public consultation and discussion regarding to the first draft of the draft law "On Social Housing Programs", with purpose of increasing its efficiency in implementation. According to this draft law, families that will benefit social housing will be selected through a scoring system, and a number of elements will be taken into account, i.e., whether the family has or not a house, family conditions, if there is any risk that the building might collapse, or the number of children. The scoring system provides to evaluate with more points the families that do not have an apartment, who live in buildings that pose a risk of collapse or who live in overcrowded apartments. Families who have remained or risk remaining homeless as a result of natural disasters or enforcement of a judicial decision will take the highest scores. Other social conditions that are predicted by the draft law as priority are the cases regarding to the people with disabilities, people who hold the orphan status, from the moment they leave social care centers until the age 30, returning immigrant, immigrant worker, families of police officers killed on duty, victims of domestic violence, victims of trafficking and Roma community.