“Now we have a defined graphic of works. 85% of the works will be completed within this year whereas 15% in the next year. The road will be completed by June 2017”, said the Chairman of the Albanian Road Authority Dashamir Xhika. Construction of the 27- kilometer-long road that connects Tirana with Elbasan has started in 2011. The first bid was 290 million USD, but due to some landslides in Iba the cost will be higher. “We have requested an additional fund of 35 million USD from the Abu Dhabi Bank. It will be sent very soon for ratification in the Parliament and the funding will be completed”, Xhika explained. According to Xhika, if the construction company will delay the works again, it will be penalized. “The company will not dare to play with this contract, because otherwise it will be penalized" said the head of ARA. According to the information received from the Road Authority, the cost of the 13 kilometre long segment from Sauk to the entrance of the Krrabe tunnel is estimated $ 120 million.